Sunday, September 4, 2011

How to win friends and influence people

How to win friends and influence people, by Dale Carnegie, is still a very enlightening and popular read today because its lessons are still relevant.  People, technology and the pace of life will always change but human nature remains the same.  We all want to be recognized and acknowledged, some more than others, but in general, even for the least pretentious person, it is still a true statement.   

In a way, I feel as though this book really helps to expound on The “Golden Rule” Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself, and he explains exactly just how to do that in a comprehensible, clear and logical way.  In summary he does this through the formation of principles, such as “The six ways to make people like you” This helps make it easier for readers to apply the techniques in every day living.  Just as important, are his frequent reminders to refresh what one has learned in this book, by implementing repeated readings and utilizations of the techniques in our daily transactions with people.

I have greatly benefited from this book and hope to continue to utilize these techniques in my daily interactions with people at work, at home and in all other situations.

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